3 Jan 2016

Be Positive And Stay Connected With Universe

Believe it or not, the universe itself may be a giant hologram constructed in part by the human mind. If this is true,the mind is infinite just like the universe.

Mind is Reality. Reality is Mind

The entire Universe from the Source, the first cause, God is Energy vibrating relative to the frequency of The Source,  the Source being the very centre of the Universe of Energy and the physical world being  the  outermost shell

Difference between Thoughts and Beliefs

 One of the most important things to know about the mind and reality is the difference between thoughts  and beliefs

. The difference between a thought and a belief is that you may have thousands of thoughts going through your mind but  none of them have any power except those that are beliefs

. A belief is a thought that you make real, or accept as true

. Choosing to make a thought real or not is a decision under the very power of the will.

It is important to understand that is not our thinking that creates our circumstances, but the emotion that is attached to our thoughts

. Thoughts become things but not all thoughts become things, only the thoughts that are accompanied with strong feelings and emotion.

Thought is first a conscious suggestion, then it becomes a subconscious memory, working day and night

.  This is what operates the law of attraction, because the laws of attraction and repulsion are entirely
subconscious. Thoughts may be conscious to start with, but they are subconscious as soon as they are set in motion. Now suppose I did not say I was poor, but came into the world with an unconscious thought  of poverty. So long as that thought operated, I would be poor. I might not have understood the Law, but it would have been working all the time.

The subconscious mind is the seat of emotion and the storehouse of memory, therefore memory is tied to emotion. Emotion is energy in motion.

The more emotion a thought has, the more it is able to move things

.  Weak thoughts have little emotion. Strong thoughts have much emotion. the things we create in our life tend to come from our subconscious beliefs rather than our conscious thinking

. If we believe everything we think about is going to manifest in one form or another, we’ll  probably walk around terrified because most of us aren’t thinking positive thoughts all the time. If we have the idea that whenever we think a thought, it will create our reality, then we will be afraid to even think of  anything at all

So be positive and connected with universe (Galaxy)

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