These 5 hot industries are a safe bet for a career that's future-proof. As the globe becomes more technologically oriented, automation and artificial intelligence will continue to replace millions of jobs.
According to the recent McKinsey Global Institute Report, 375 million jobs will vanish by 2030.
Despite technological innovations, some industries will continue to grow exponentially.
1. Analytics and big data
Data and analytics are job-skill buzzwords for good reason — the analytics industry is growing massively across all market sectors, and its principles are being applied to every single component of business, from sales and marketing to human resources.
2. Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important as more businesses collect, share and use data as part of their practices.if you're looking for an industry with high-paying guaranteed employment, cybersecurity fits the bill. Jobs include security architects, penetration testers, information security analysts and chief information security officers
3. Health care for the aging
The health-care industry is undergoing a radical shift as medical information is moving out of our hospitals and into our homes, pockets and even into our fashion. Health trackers are expected to be a part of 90 percent of employee wellness plans by 2021, and AI is getting increasingly effective at diagnosing medical issues and supporting treatment plans.
4.Renewable energy
The renewable-energy sector has become increasingly important as research indicates that human intervention is required to curb global warming trends. The International Renewable Energy Agency indicated that global jobs in the renewable-energy sector increased to more than 10 million for the first time in 2018, and they expect there to be 28 million jobs in the industry by 2050.
5. Drones
Though drones certainly will be flown by AI in shipping and logistics when traveling from point A to point B, piloting a drone is still primarily manual and done in tandem with AI and software suites. These small unmanned aerial vehicles are going to become integral support for many other large industries, including but not limited to construction, transportation, filmmaking, telecommunications and agriculture. Some examples of uses are photography, filming, mapping, inspections of various kinds, quantity surveying or crop monitoring. The draw of the drone is that it can reach places people can't — or if they can, drones reach it with far less effort.
The drone industry is expected to hit $12.1 billion by 2021, and analyzing the data derived from inspections and monitoring is expected to be a multibillion-dollar ancillary industry.
some other growing industries
VR / AR, E-Commerce, Content Marketing, Beauty Tech, Gaming, Biotech, Elder Care
Note: AR/VR. (Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality) Refers to computer-generated simulations that integrate the real world (AR) or are entirely self-contained (VR). AR applications let you move around in the real world.

5 Dying Industries
1. Video Tape / Disc Rental
2 Photofinishing
3. Newspaper Publishers
4. Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing#
5. Sound Recording Studios
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