19 Oct 2018

Programming Languages Used To Create Chatbots

A chatbot is basically a software you can chat with. If you use it right, your life will be much easier — instead of searching something on the internet, you can simply ask chatbots what you want to know.

Although they can’t think like a human yet, they still enable you to directly interact with the brand you’re interested in, which was previously close to impossible.

Chatbots are leading the digitization of the human interaction, and there is no doubt they’re becoming an unavoidable part of our everyday lives. 2018 seemed to be the year of chatbots, but 2020 is going to be even bigger. If you have an idea for a chatbot, and still don’t know which programming language to choose, here are the options for easily building a chatbot:

If you have an idea for a chatbot, and still don’t know which programming language to choose, here are the options for easily building a chatbot:
1. Python
Python is used mostly for it’s simplicity. It has a straightforward syntax and it’s object-oriented. It is also one of the most widely used programming languages in the field of Artificial Intelligence, again, thanks to it’s simplicity. AIl chatbots are easy to write in Python with the use of AIML — Artificial Intelligence Markup Language. AIML is actually a form of XML for creating natural language software agents
2. Clojure
Clojure is a dialect of a programming language called Lisp. It’s a functional programming language that runs on Java Virtual Machine. Clojure enables you to write your app’s code as a series of functions which are easy to understand and easy to test. As a functional language, it highlights recursion and higher-order functions instead of side-effect-based looping. It was designed by Rick Hickey, who said he wanted a modern language for functional programming, which would work on the established Java platform.
3. PHP
Creating a chatbot in PHP is very cheap because it’s an open source language and it’s very easy to use. It is much faster than other scripting languages and there are many libraries available for you to work with API. If you create a chatbot in PHP, it will be very easy to run it on any platform since it’s platform independent. PHP is a high-level language and a chatbot can be very easily created with it.

4. Java

Java can provide you with all the high-level features you need for AI projects. If you want to build an AI chatbot, Java is probably the best language you can use because it offers an easy way to code algorithms, and AI is full of them. It also runs on the Java Virtual Machine technology and if you use it you can create an application that runs on any platform. Java has the most important features for a sophisticated interface, like facilitated visualization and standard Widget toolkit.

5. Ruby

Ruby has a very simple syntax which allows beginners to create a chatbot easily. It is in many ways similar to Perl and Python. Ruby is a dynamic and object-oriented programming language. In this language, everything is an expression and everything is executed imperatively. However, creating a chatbot with Ruby might be expensive. It is initially available for free, but you will need to buy a licence at some point. It is also not very flexible for developers since it’s not independent like Java or PHP.

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